Newsletter February 4th Updated

Dear 4B Parents,

Catholic Schools Week was a wonderful celebration. Thank you to all of the drivers/chaperones that took the 4th graders around to deliver certificates.  Also, thank you to the many parents that helped with the Grandparents lunch and any of the other activities that happened during Catholic Schools Week.  We have much to be thankful for!

Due to the snow days Mid-tri reports will be in your child’s filer on Wednesday.  Please sign and return the envelopes as soon as you can.  Thank you!

 to the grade 1-4 Spelling Bee Winner, Mariella in 4A and also to Izzy and Caleb for an excellent performance as well.  I am so proud of all of the participants!

ZZ68AE67D2Next Thursday the 14th we will celebrate Valentine’s Day, but the Valentine Boxes are due on Wednesday the 13th. Hopefully the students used the light homework week last week or the snow days this week to start working on their boxes—and —-maybe even thinking “outside of the box”. I can’t wait to see what the creative 4th grade students come up with!

Oral Biographies: The students will bring home information on the Oral Biography Project on Wednesday, and the directions will also be posted in the tabs above. I will be going over the details of this project with the students, and we will be practicing strategies in class that will help them plan, work through, and present this project.  All students need to have is their person and book selected and approved by me no later then next Thursday the 14th.  The sooner the students make their choices the better so students can begin their reading and note taking.

Reading: Last week the students read an informational text on Stagecoaches in preparation for our story this week: Riding Freedom.  This wonderful story is based on the true story of a woman that overcomes many challenges to pursue her dream of becoming a stagecoach driver.

Spelling: There will be a spelling test on Friday for Lesson 16. Word lists were sent home last Friday. However, due to the snow days we worked on the Word Sort/Proofreading worksheet in class on Wednesday. If the students didn’t finish it is homework.

Religion: We will begin our study of the Sacraments on Friday.  Our Second Step lessons will be postponed until next week because of the snow days.

Math: Our math work will continue to focus on long division. We will also be working with area, perimeter and volume as this is a part of the Valentine Box requirement. Mastery of division facts is very important.  Students that have not yet passed division on Xtramath should continue to practice nightly.  Look for math homework on Thursday.

Science: Last week the students took what they had learned building and testing their sails and applied it to building 3-4 windmill blades. This week they will test their blades on a working windmill and hopefully raise a cup containing weights.

Social Studies: The students will be receiving a study sheet on Thursday for our next map focus on the major rivers and lakes of the United States. There is an online practice site for this test on the 4A website under map skills called “River and Lake Review”.There is a PDF and a list of the lakes and rivers in theMap Skills tab.This test will take place Thursday, March 7th, which gives the students plenty of time. If the students visit the practice site for 5 minutes each night they will learn the locations quickly! There will be a word list for this test.  In class we are wrapping up our journey of Lewis and Clark this week with some final activities.  Our next unit will be the Oregon Trail!

 Have a great week everyone.