Remote Learning: Friday, April 3rd

Dear 4B Families,

Update! If you want to get into some more reading today, here is a Scholastic activity that you can do!

  • TASK #1: Read the remaining articles in the 11/18/2019 edition of Scholastic News which was sent home with the last packet. This is the same magazine that you used yesterday. The articles are about dinosaurs and Bigfoot!
  • There is video support for this assignment here:



  • TASK #2: Complete the questions on the last page of the magazine that accompany these articles.

**Should you not have a copy of the magazine, it can be found online (PW: gators4142) at


Here is today’s video from me: IMG_3915

Happy Friday! Today, there are no tests/quizzes, and there are no new assignments. Today is meant to catch up on anything you still need to complete and practice for your oral biography.

Catching upHere is a list of assignments that should be uploaded to Seesaw before the end of today. Please double check to make sure you have all of these. There are many missing assignments as of right now.

From last week:
-Math homework Lesson 5 (pgs 515 and 516)
-Math homework Lesson 6 (pg 522)
-Ten Commandments Fill-in-the-blank test
From this week:
-Fraction Quizzes 1 and 2 (green paper-2 sides)
-“Me and Uncle Romie” Story Hunt Questions sheet (2 pages)
-“Me and Uncle Romie” Comprehension test (multiple choice, 2 sided)
-Scholastic News worksheet titled “Mark it up”
-Optional: pages 1 and 2 of the math review pack (I will check them for you!)
A note about oral biographies and Zoom…We are trying to create an environment as close to speaking in front of an audience as possible. That has driven our decision to do live Zoom presentations. This allows performers to have the experience of a modified live audience and observers to enjoy and compliment the performances. With that being said, we understand that everyone’s at-home situation is different. All we ask is that you log on to Zoom to watch as many performances as you can. The goal is for each student to write a compliment for a performance at least three times each day. Just like with everything, we ask that you do your best. Thank you.

Here is some useful information about performances. Please look over the checklist and watch the video.


Video on PVLEGS:

Here are the reminders for the oral biography.

Don’t forget to visit the oral biography page for all forms and directions! You will present next week AND upload your self-reflection and bibliography to Seesaw.

Things to know:

  • You will be sharing your presentation on Zoom so that your classmates can see you.  
  • We would also like your parents to record your presentation separately without Zoom so we have a backup and higher quality version.  This should be sent to your teacher.
  • Part of your requirement is to also watch your classmates present. You are expected to write at least 2-3 compliments during each day’s presentations and send them with the chat feature on Zoom. We will also call on a few students to give their comments orally after each presentation.
  • Be sure to include your props.  You will have to make some adjustments because you will be filming from home.  Do not worry if you cannot get the types of props you planned on. Be creative, use things around the house, draw pictures, etc.
  • When you complete your presentation you will fill out the gold “Biography Presentation Reflection” sheet that was in the folder you picked up from school last week. 
  • You will send your completed Self Reflection and bibliography on the Seesaw app.