Newsletter March 9th

Dear 4B Families

I hope you all had a nice weekend, despite the lost hour of sleep! The extra daylight hours are always nice, but the time change can throw off the sleep schedules a bit.  We begin the 3rd and final trimester of the year this week!

School Closure Informational Letter: If you have not yet read the School Closure Informational Letter that was sent home on Friday, please do so as soon as possible. Also, make sure you store the books and packets in a safe place at home for potential later use. As a reminder, the math books should go between home and school in your child’s backpack daily until further notice.

Oral Biographies: If you have not done so already, please sign your child up for a time to present her/his oral biography using this link to the Google Drive.

Spelling/LA :  There is no spelling test this week.  The list for next week will come home this Thursday. The students have been working hard on their mini bio posters in class. They will get a chance to practice presenting in the style of the big biography project when they share their posters in the “voice” of the person they wrote their report on.

Reading: This week we will be reading a wonderful and emotional story called “Train to Somewhere”.  It is based on the Orphan Trains that ran from 1854 to 1929.  This story ties in with our Oregon Trail studies, and will help the students better appreciate the struggles and challenges faced by the children of this time in our history.

Math:  Last week, we took a test on long division. Ms. Simpson and I are proud of the growth the students have made mastering the long division algorithm. It takes perseverance to master this challenging skill, and all of the students put in their best effort. Look for the graded tests in your child’s filer this week. Next, we are moving on to fractions! Our first lessons will be reviewing factors, multiples, prime, and composite numbers.

Social Studies: Be sure you child is reviewing each night for the River and Lake test that will be on March 12th.  They can use the online practice or use their study sheets have a parent quiz them.  We will wrap up our preparations for the Oregon Trail Simulation and then begin the journey!

ScienceLast week, we started to explore our five senses through senses stations. Students were challenged to consider the inputs of each sense and where they travel through the nervous system and into the brain. Ask your child to identify the part of the brain responsible for processing each sense! This week, we will finish working through all five stations.

Homework: The bulk of homework time should be spent on the Oral Biography Presentations. However, there will be a few nights with math homework as well.


Have a wonderful week everyone!  May the auction be successful on Saturday!

Have a great week!

Ms. Benson