Remote Learning: Monday, April 6th

Dear 4B Families,

Here is today’s video from me: IMG_3918

It’s finally here! Presentation week! You all have worked so hard to research, take notes, and become experts on your chosen person in history. Now, the most joyful part begins…sharing your new knowledge with the world!

Today’s first presenters are:

Jacob Kim at 9:30am


Luke Martin at 1:00pm

Let’s all try to log in for our first performers to show them our support and give them compliments!


Here’s what will happen on the day you present:

  1. You will be ready with your costume, props, notecards, set and anything else you need. Even if you’re going last that day, be ready! 
  2. We will all log into Zoom about 10 minutes before the first presentation starts.
  3. I will give some quick reminders before we begin.
  4. The presenter will present, and we will be awed!
  5. There will be a few minutes for typed compliments after the presentation, and I will call on a few volunteers to give compliments aloud.
  6. We will give the next presenter a few minutes to prepare.  I will announce what time we will start the next presentation, so be sure you are seated and ready to go. Do not log out of Zoom.
  7. The next presenter will present, and so on until all presentations are done.
  8. Will take a break for lunch, and return in the afternoon for the next session. You will have a new sign link for each session.
  9. Repeat steps 1-7.
  10. You will thoughtfully fill out your self-reflection form after you present.
  11. You will upload both your self-reflection form and your bibliography to Seesaw. 
  12. I will upload your graded rubric to Seesaw no later than the following morning.
  13. We will celebrate a job well done!

Journals are optional this week! Also, you will have some short reading, religion, and math to do…just to keep you sharp!


Here are today’s assignments and the PDF version: Remote Monday, April 6th

Monday, April 6, 2020

Subject  What to do!
Language Arts  Oral Biography Presentations!

  • Join in on the Zoom meetings to watch the presentations
  • Turn in Self-reflection via Seesaw
  • Turn in bibliography via Seesaw
  • Try to compliment at least 3 people per day
Religion These religion tasks should be completed before the end of the day on Thursday.

Task #1: Read through the Stations of the Cross document slowly. Think about each part and what it means in your life. 


Task #2: Do some self-reflection by thinking about these questions:

-Did you keep your promises of Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting? 

-What did you learn about yourself?

-What actions can you take to follow in the footsteps of Jesus during Holy Week and beyond?

Note: You don’t need to write down your answers, but you should take at least 30 minutes to complete these two tasks. It would be best to take it slow, and really think about these questions. You can talk to your parents as you reflect.

  • Spend 15 minutes on an assigned Freckle math assignment of your choice
  • Spend 5-10 minutes on XtraMath
  • Use the Fractions app to review equivalent fractions.